barack obama

It is of course possible, and probably likely, that the Arab Spring of 2011 will fail, as other springs in the Middle East and elsewhere have never come to fruition. There would still be a case, for reasons of honor and duty, for the United States to try to help, to do the right thing, to stand with the opponents of tyranny, even if one thought them likely, even nearly certain, to fail.

CNN's Candy Crowley was perpetuating one of the American media's favorite myths about Barack Obama, that his mere election in 2008 had radically improved the United States' image around the world...

The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the NBA announced a "sports envoy" program today, tipping off with with a Feb. 22-March 2 mission to India. Hall of Fame player George Gervin...and women's NBA star Katie Smith will visit Mumbai and New Delhi...

As the Islamic regime of Iran gears up this week to celebrate its 32nd anniversary, the people of Iran face monumental economic challenges similar to those faced by other countries in the region like Tunisia and Egypt.

Frustrating anti-government protesters, the U.S. is now openly backing the Egyptian government's proposed transition process...We're starting to see a number pundits turn against President Obama's cautious strategy, saying the only risk to democracy is Mubarak and his immediate departure should be encouraged.

CPD Director Philip Seib was quoted in a National Journal article titled “The Limits of Hope" about Obama’s personal favorability in the Arab world.

February 4, 2011

It is not often that an academic concept gains rapid traction in public sphere. After Joseph Nye published a slim volume on “soft power” a few years ago, the idea became the rage in foreign offices and think tanks around the world.

When the people rise up, there’s no guarantee they’ll succeed. Just ask a Burmese or an Iranian. Egypt’s revolution has a number of counts against it, the main one being the hollow core where Egyptian civil society ought to be.
