bilateral dialogue

I have also come to observe Egyptian public diplomacy efforts in South Sudan - and they are quite feeble. An Egyptian clinic, staffed by Egyptian doctors recognized for their skills, is essentially it. While a good step, it is insufficient to win the hearts and minds of our new upstream neighbors, who often view Egypt through the prism of its close relationship to Khartoum.

On Friday at the Nixon Library in California, Braithwaite played against Liang Geliang, a Chinese Ping Pong player who was one of the Chinese team members in Japan for the historical table tennis competition in 1971. The two of them had a rematch 40 years later.

The Australia-Korea Foundation’s next funding round will begin in February for the 2011―2012 financial year. The Foundation explained that project proposals from individuals or organizations must demonstrate the ability to achieve the AKF’s goals in line with its Strategic Plan.
