business development
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Watch highlights from the Europe-Ghana start-up night held by the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana.
Since economic and social settings of sub-Sahara African countries are to a large extent similar, the findings from Rwanda will undoubtedly inform policy making in most other countries. The objective is to influence the laws, policies and programmes that can address the historically disadvantaged situation of rural women much more effectively.
Many of the practices now associated with modern-day diplomacy and international law were pioneered and put into practice in Latin America already in the second half of the 1800s. [...] Take the concept of multilateralism, which soon became a fundamental principle for each and every diplomatic corps from the region. The full mastery of legal techniques and codes was then perceived to be one of the strengths of Latin American representatives, especially when they joined high-profile international conferences.
The upcoming Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) in Dubai, UAE will feature a strategic platform to discuss the role of government in shaping a competitive business environment to attract investment, facilitate entrepreneurship and innovation. [...] The meeting will provide key insights on how the government and other stakeholders stimulate and facilitate the flow of investments between countries and establish investment partnerships in vital sectors.
A snapshot of Africa's role in a variety of public diplomacy campaigns
The Business and Sustainable Development Commission which was launched in Davos in January 2016, has the Managing Director of LADOL Dr. Amy Jadesimi as a member from Nigeria alongside other 36 global business entrepreneurs drawn from business, finance, civil society, labour, and international organizations across the world. [...] the body essentially deliberated on ways of getting the African continent to optimally benefit from the huge projection with the conclusion that the continent could rake in $1 trillion dollars from the projected $12 trillion largesse, if well harnessed.
Korea's food experts are sharing their experience in branding with Laotian food companies. The "Product Development Workshop for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)," organized by the ASEAN-Korea Centre and Lao PDR's Ministry of Industry and Commerce, provides an opportunity for the companies to "enhance competitiveness and develop market strategies targeting domestic and overseas markets through lectures and consultations on branding, marketing, and packaging of food products."
Attracting young talent is now a mounting task for leaders around the world and Seoul is no exception. That was the topic at a meeting of the Seoul International Business Advisory Council (SIBAC), a group of 25 volunteer advisors that gives the mayor policy recommendations, Friday.