
The new Voice of America for young Chinese. Humor may not always translate well, but Jon Stewart is picking up a lot of fans in China. His gloves-off political satire is refreshing in a country where that's a rarity. Especially when it's directed against their own leaders.

The newspaper acknowledged that China needed to do more to boost ties with India, including in terms of public diplomacy to improve perceptions. “Chinese people lack understanding and respect toward India. They tend to judge it according to ill-conceived preconceptions,” the editorial said.

Both gifted with a long history and rich culture, China and Greece should increase exchanges, learn from each other and boost win-win cooperation, Xi said during the meeting with Samaras. Xi said China and Greece should enhance their comprehensive strategic partnership to benefit the people of the two countries and promote peace and development of the world as a whole.

Enhancing cooperation between Chinese culture and different cultures and civilizations of the world is important for mutual understanding and learning, as well as the maintenance of world peace and harmony, she said.

Talking to a Chinese taxi driver is always interesting as they know what is rotten in the Middle Kingdom and speak up candidly. Sometimes these conversations are also interesting for students of public diplomacy, especially when concerned with the image and impression of a country.

Talking to a Chinese taxi driver is always interesting as they know what is rotten in the Middle Kingdom and speak up candidly. Sometimes these conversations are also interesting for students of public diplomacy, especially when concerned with the image and impression of a country.

China has been trying to integrate with the world through a modest and self-disciplining approach rather than be disregardful and aggressive. Concepts such as equal communication and putting aside minor differences so as to seek common ground, which are lacking in US soft power theories, are exactly the allure of China's soft power.
