Cultural Diplomacy

In February of last year, Islamic State militants stormed the Mosul Museum in Iraq with drills and sledgehammers in hand. [...] Fourteen months later and 5,800 miles away, that lion was resurrected for an evening in a seventh-floor gallery at the Museum of Art and Design in New York. It wasn’t the only destroyed artifact from the Mosul Museum on display

As part of Cultural Diplomacy, the Pakistan Embassy in Ankara organized the Chughtai Art Awards competition in the Konya province. The thematic focus of the competition was “Mughal/Turkish Art & Architecture of Pakistan.” The event was organized in collaboration with the Konya branch of Turkey’s Ministry of National Education.

Considering cultural exchange one of the most sustainable channels of diplomacy, President Park Geun-hye has been sparing no efforts in touting Korean culture, especially during her overseas trips. This year, marking the 130th anniversary of diplomatic relations with France, the South Korean government is determined to create synergy with hallyu, or the Korean Wave, to foster friendly relations with the European country. 

In a tour that includes visits to Hong Kong, Macau, Shanghai, Beijing and Japan, the Philadelphia Orchestra is expanding its connection with the people of China through additional avenues beyond sold-out concerts. More than a tour that focuses exclusively on music, this 2016 tour includes social cross-cultural components as well.

Hijab-Wearing Dance Group Brings People Together Through Hip-Hop

Award-winning dance group We're Muslim Don't Panic is on a mission to stamp out Islamophobia with hip-hop.

When Duke head coach Robbie Church found out via email in late March that his team had been invited to Beijing for the seventh annual Consultation on People-to-People Exchange, he was not sure the Blue Devils would be able to participate. [...] But with the opportunity to be the first college women's soccer program involved in the conference—which brings political representatives from both countries together—Church quickly realized the chance was too unique to pass up.

To attract young people from the neighborhood of about 100,000 people, the museum’s founders have sought to form alliances with schools and have taken steps to create a cultural exchange with the nearby Brussels Boxing Academy.

British, American and Australians members of the Friendship Force International (FF) enjoyed a weeklong homestay in Korea as part of a program to promote intercultural ties. During their visit, members of the international cultural exchange program visited the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Gyeongbok Palace, the Korean Folk Village...
