Cultural Diplomacy

The often-brutal sport of rugby has become an unlikely international sports leader in forcing players to accept gay teammates […] but players such as Australian David Pocock, who will be in Saturday's final, have taken a gay rights stand on the pitch and the World Rugby governing body has backed a campaign by activists.

The British government has faced criticism for its lack of response to the huge numbers of refugees who are heading to Europe in search of safety, yet [...] a small but dedicated group of football fans, who originally met through their love of the Hamburg-based left-wing club, St Pauli, organize various football-related events with refugees and asylum seekers who are already in the UK.

Sir James Mancham, founding President of the Republic of Seychelles is at this moment in Madrid, Spain, participating in the high-level global dialogue on ‘Preventing and Countering Violence Extremism’, which has been organized by Le Club de Madrid in association with the International Centre of Radicalization and Political Violence (ICSR).

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement, known as BDS, is calling on top chefs from around the world to refrain from participating in the upcoming Round Tables culinary show, a "Gastro-diplomacy” event "which aspires to improve trade and cultural relations between countries."

Since 2004, Games for Change, a nonprofit group, has designed and promoted games that inspire players not to zap space aliens but instead to change the world for the better. In the first game released by the group, called PeaceMaker, gamers were invited to broker peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

India’s rich cultural heritage will be at show when the third India-Africa Forum Summit gets underway on Tuesday. Apart from a cultural event during the banquet being hosted by the President for the visiting dignitaries, a mix of Indian traditional cultural exposure to monuments as well as a modern fashion show, which will highlight the handlooms of Varanasi [...]

First-ever World Indigenous Games held in Brazil

CCTV takes viewers inside the Amazon for a look at the historic games.
