Cultural Diplomacy

“We really hope that the students get an opportunity to learn about Mexico’s history and traditions and we encourage our students to participate and to get to know more about the Mexican culture,” Barrio said. “Our strategic location at the US-Mexico border provides a unique opportunity for our students to live a binational experience.” 

Based on a recent agreement signed between Mexican cultural officials and officials from Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization, over 250 artifacts dating from the time of the Mayan Empire to recent eras will be on display, Kargar said. 

With stops in 15 countries, the event serves as a promotion of all things British to the nouveau riche of some of the emerging markets most heavily targeted by the luxury industry. The event was born out of a diplomatic mission to Abu Dhabi carried out by Olver, a former Adjutant of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment in the British army. 

Communication is the common foundation for all relationships – and food is the foundation upon which families, communities and lives are built. In this engaging presentation, Riolo will share simple steps to better cross cultural communication and relations through food and dining. 

In a speech delivered at the reception he hosted late on Sept. 10, British Ambassador Richard Moore emphasized his belief in the value of educational and cultural exchange between the United Kingdom and Turkey in helping create the conditions for success in business and diplomacy, and the important role of the British Council over the past 75 years in building trust and understanding between the two countries. 

Not all Indians need be vegetarian for vegetarianism to be wielded as another manifestation of India’s soft power — alongside yoga, ayurveda, cuisine, classical arts, and religious pluralism. [...] From Gandhi to Pramukhswami and from Prime Minister Modi to Jain munis, no civilization is synonymized with a value that happens to be healthy for the body and planet, but is repudiated by its media and intelligentsia.

September 11, 2015

This week’s public diplomacy news headlines showcased the role of soft power in seducing global publics. 

A Tibetan cultural exchange group is wrapping up a trip to Russia, arranged by the Chinese State Council. During their stay, the group met with the head of Russia's parliamentary committee for Public and Religious Organization, and scholars from institutes including the Russian Academy of Sciences and Tuvan State University.
