Cultural Diplomacy

American Routes, the public radio program produced at Tulane University, is leading a tour of American “roots” music to China, April 30 to May 3. (...) This concert series builds on our prior China tours with Cajun music, gospel, cowboys and jazz. This kind of vernacular cultural diplomacy is both entertaining and edifying. The virtuosity and diversity we bring to ‘Meet-in-Beijing’ is a great statement between nations at an intimate level.

Creative Expo Taiwan is set to kick off April 29 in Taipei City, featuring 600 exhibitors from around the world at the country’s largest cultural and creative industry show. Organized by Taiwan Design Center under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, the six-day event was renamed this year from Taiwan International Cultural and Creative Industry Expo. 

Several ministries have come up with initiative to raise the quota for foreign students in Russian institutes and universities saying that this would help to promote national interests around the world. The proposal was released for public discussion through the special government web portal, and suggests increasing the quota for state-sponsored scholarships for foreign students from 15,000 to 20,000.

As China becomes closer to reaching its dream of becoming one of the most influential countries in the world, Chinese officials announced at a two-day conference of the International Exchange of Professionals in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, that the country is advocating a platform for its local and overseas talents.

In addition to the state's renewed interest in Belarusisation and cultural initiatives, support for these changes in society is also on the rise. The 'soft' Belarusisation policy and the activity of the organisations such as Art Siadziba are in growing demand in Belarus.

Iranian-born composer Reza Vali, a Carnegie Mellon University music professor, will travel to Iran with the Carpe Diem String Quartet of Ohio for the Fajr International Music Festival in February 2016.

The audience at the Center One building lobby in Seoul on April 14 sang along with the songs performed by the U.S. Navy band, Seventh Fleet Orient Express.(...)The U.S. Embassy in Seoul and the Korea Foundation organized the event on the occasion of the Seventh Fleet band's trip to Korea for several performances.(...) The band travels around the Pacific Rim performing public outreach concerts teaching music classes at schools.

Most people have a stereotypical image of the Palestinians — sitting in refugee camps and the 67 years of agony since they were uprooted from their homeland showing on their faces, or covering their faces with the checkered black-and-white keffiyeh and throwing stones at Israeli soldiers. But a few young Palestinians are showing the world a completely new face of Palestine. They include a great singer, a talented musician and a gifted gymnast. These artists join the ranks of a few Palestinian poets and writers who have gained international fame.
