Cultural Diplomacy

This past week the Washington Post ran a story about the troubles of Russian lawmaker Dimitri Gudkov, assailed by his government for having the temerity to visit the U.S. and address U.S.-Russian relations on Capitol Hill. As the short article explained Gudkov was in the U.S.

The head of the work group on interparliamentary ties with Italy of Milli Majlis Azer Kerimli and MPs Rasim Musabayov and Jeyhun Osmanly will attend the forum ‘Azerbaijan 2020-Youth vision’. According to the news service for Milli Majlis, Azerbaijani parliamentarians left for Rome on 26 March.

When assessing America's power toolbox, comic book culture is rarely discussed as an effective instrument, but likely stands as one of the most globally influential...Tampering with the art form by amateurs is dangerous and can lead to terrible results. That is exactly what happened in the case of the EU's online comic, Captain Euro ( It seeks to entertain by portraying its nonviolent crusader as the protector of democratic peace.

Congratulations on becoming our nation's leading diplomat. Everyone hopes and prays that you will build on the great work of your predecessors to make the world a safer and happier place. While you have access, no doubt, to a wealth of advice and knowledge, I humbly suggest that you fully exploit the expertise of your arts community and the power of cultural diplomacy.

Peng Liyuan, China’s new First Lady, is glamourous, fashionable and one of her nation’s best-known singers, a startling contrast to her dour-looking predecessors. As she accompanies her husband, President Xi Jinping, on his first trip abroad as China’s leader, Peng appears ready to carve out a new role for herself.

After 25 years of almost no contact between Canada and Myanmar, Ottawa will launch an era of new and hopefully warmer ties this spring by opening an embassy in Rangoon and appointing a veteran Asia hand as the first ambassador there. Though Ottawa has yet to confirm the appointment of 50-year-old Mark McDowell, it was announced Saturday in the official New Light of Myanmar newspaper and independently confirmed by The Globe and Mail.
