Cultural Diplomacy

As part of its global pursuit of soft power, South Korea presents its country brand at Shanghai Expo by employing the instrument of pop culture.

Putting down their guns, some residents of Jenin turn to art in their fight against Israel.

A private organization has invited Italian college students to Japan in an attempt to foster cultural exchange between the two countries...The organization, which had mainly offered Italian language and cultural courses for Japanese people, invited the Italian students in a bid to promote bilateral cultural exchange.

Armenian adults and school children arrived in Georgia as part of the framework of the English Language Learning Strengthening Program of Buckswood Summer School...They will spend 21 days with Georgian peers at Tskneti English Language Summer School. They will have an intensive course of English and participate in different sports, educational and cultural activities.

After securing a mega-sized nuclear contract with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Korea is pushing to form a closer partnership with the Middle Eastern country including providing education to foster a highly skilled workforce.

At least two Republican members of Congress have come out in opposition to the plan, calling it “unacceptable” that the US would fund the travel of a Muslim religious leader who they say has been less than categorical in his condemnation of 9/11.

Film lovers in the capital can next week look forward to four days of serious and quality cinema from across Asia thanks to “Imaging Asia”, a festival that will also showcase folk performances and art.

It is a blow to Syria’s soft power as well as its fledgling entertainment industry. With an extremely small theater and cinema scene, the Muslim dramas are the country’s primary cultural export. They have sparked debate at home and are enormously popular across the whole Arab world, broadening Syria’s cultural reach.
