Cultural Diplomacy

China’s tourism to Taiwan, once banned, is now growing fast as bilateral ties improve. But with the influx of visitors comes a culture clash.

It’s not that often that Bollywood films – better known for formulaic plots and cheesy musical numbers – stir up much international attention for their politics. But the recent announcement here of a film about Adolf Hitler’s last days, his love life, and his supposed connection to India, has raised eyebrows around the world – not to mention the ire of India’s tiny Jewish community.

A Taiwanese youth delegation is currently on a two-week visit to El Salvador to promote academic and cultural exchanges with students at the University of El Salvador, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said Thursday.

The Government is using "rugby diplomacy" - sending former All Blacks to China - to strengthen trade links...The initiative was the brainchild of Sports Minister Murray McCully, who calls it "rugby diplomacy". "In the context of our overall relationship with China, which is going places quickly, it's one of those areas where we can underpin the growth of trade and economic relations," Mr McCully said.

...Initiatives in Education, Science and Culture Towards Enhanced US-Muslim Countries Collaborations aimed to focus on concrete projects and initiatives in those three areas, and not on divisive political issues such the Israeli-Palestine conflict and Iraq.

The University Linkages Programme at Cairo University represents the unique collaboration between BG Egypt, Cairo University and the British Council. It provides much-needed English language tuition and professional skills to the university's Petroleum Geosciences students.

The UK is stepping up its activities in Bahrain with increased investment in arts and education. British officials also hope to almost double the number of Bahrain schools linked with those in the UK.

As the host country of both the Olympics and the Expo in the same year (1992), Spain clearly sees the Shanghai Expo as an instrument of public diplomacy and national image projection. Pavilion Communication Director Pedro Molina discusses how the country tells the story of “From the City of Our Parents to the City of Our Children” in three scenes.
