developing world
Israel's Grand Challenges initiative on Sunday for the first time awarded ten Israeli innovators with grants of up to NIS 500,000 for projects that tackle tough issues in the developing world.

China confirmed its decision to prioritize relationships with neighbors and developing countries over those with the United States and other developed nations.
While developing countries once struggled with famine, they now struggle with obesity. China and Mexico are seeing dramatic increases in the problem, thanks to an abundance of processed food and sugary drinks, more sedentary lifestyles, and ignorance of what makes a good diet. "Future Diets" report author Steven Wiggins believes South Korea has the answer. Dominic Kane reports.
For nearly two hundred years the measure of a nation’s progress has been its capacity to Westernize. Today, to a great extent, China has shifted this narrative.
In the last three decades, China has lifted over 500 million of its people out of poverty according to the World Bank. The scale and speed of China’s growth are unprecedented. The world has never seen anything like the rise of China according to Martin Jacques, author of bestseller ‘When China Rules the World: the End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order.’
In recognition of World Water Day 2012, the USC Center on Public Diplomacy would like to acknowledge not just the organizations, governments and international coalitions that provide aid and solutions to water problems, but more importantly the publics that are experiencing water crises around the world.
The European Council has recently amended certain financial insturments for developing countries. First, the EU's financial instruments have been modified so that they can cooperate with developing countries. These cooperations include, economic partnership, market access for European countries, people to people links and public diplomacy.