
Ottawa should appoint a parliamentary secretary to oversee an office dedicated to engaging with these Canadian citizens, who live [abroad].Through outreach and public diplomacy, this office could foster greater business, educational and cultural ties with Canadians who live abroad.

Named after the country's national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, the center aims to promote the Philippine heritage across the world in the same way the France, Spain and Germany did with Alliance Francaise, Spain with Instituto Cervantes and Goethe-Institut respectively.

Thus, if Bangladesh wishes to use soft power in international politics it has to display its dominant values... If a country's culture and ideology are attractive, other nations are more willing to follow. Precepts and teachings found in the literature of Tagore, Nazrul and Jashimuddin could be significant sources of our soft power.

There has been some criticism of Obama being long on rhetoric and short on specifics, but that is what public speeches are all about. They are supposed to appeal to our hearts, not our heads....This is the very essence of "soft power".

So this Global Diaspora Forum will institutionalize our strategy in three ways. As a convener, we will bring people together to look for ways to cooperate, pursue common interests. As a catalyst, we hope the forum will help launch new projects and provide training and technical assistance to people who are in need of it...

This three-day event, organized by the Secretary of State’s Global Partnership Initiative in collaboration with USAID and the Migration Policy Institute, brings together over 300 leaders from diaspora communities across the country to discuss and collaborate on projects related to development and diplomacy with their countries of origin.

APDS Blogger: Carolina Sheinfeld

As part of my duties of outreach coordinator, since 2004 I participate at local forums hosted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). In Los Angeles, USCIS conducts two regular monthly meetings: the Adjudications Information Forum (AIF) and the Naturalization Advisory Committee (NAC). Advocates attending these meetings are members of community-based, faith-based and ethnic-based organizations; ESL teachers; volunteers; members of expats associations and NGO employees like myself.

Libyan immigrants worldwide are banding together to call for aid to their embattled homeland and drumming up support for international relief groups. The Libyan Community Association of Oregon, for example, formed in February when the unrest first erupted. Since then, the state's Libyan community – some 225 people – has staged four rallies in the Portland area and helped raise tens of thousands of dollars for aid groups, says leader Jamal Tarhuni.
