digital media

September 15, 2015

Even if it is just wishful attempt, we must try to blow winds of change through the small holes digital technology has made in the closed society so that North Korea can constructively change from within. We should take Kennan's advice and try to draw changes from North Korea through the use of diplomacy and soft power instead of containment and pressure.

The future of Twitter is really the future of the global town square—an answer to the question of whether social media can really offer a friction-less, unfiltered forum for real-time conversation across countries and cultures, or whether those conversations will increasingly occur less visibly and more narrowly. 

Disruptive Power: The Crisis of the State in the Digital Age

Professor Taylor Owen, author of Disruptive Power: The Crisis of the State in the Digital Age, discusses the changing role of digital technologies in world affairs.

The ten most notable PD stories from 2014.

Public Diplomacy & the role of a Public Affairs Officer (PAO)

State Department officials talk about what public diplomacy means to them, the role of Public Affairs Officers, and the importance of the practice in the 21st Century.
