
Visiting senior fellow Matthew Asada imagines a conversation 20 years in the future with a member of the U.S. Foreign Service’s centennial class of 2024

Recent trends in digitalized public diplomacy demonstrate that digital tools are increasingly used to undermine connectedness and to strengthen separateness.

Diplomats and global businesses are slow at adopting social media accounts. BeReal, an app touting authenticity, can be the exception.
As his fame as an author and humorist grew, Mark Twain increasingly gained access to the most glittering palaces and persons in the world.(...)He was, as he was fond of saying, “not an American, but the American,” and during his many trips abroad he functioned as a one-man diplomatic corps, employing his characteristic blend of self-deprecation and understated wit on foreign people everywhere.
The Argentine Jesuit’s first 6 overseas trips reflect not just Francis’ distinction as the first pope from the developing world, but also a constant theme of his papacy: reaching out to the world’s “peripheries” or “fringes,” meaning his favorite type of people: the poor and the vulnerable.
The conference was about cultural diplomacy and gathered many Italian diplomats who traveled the world and started writing.