economic relations

Just as the second half of the 20th century was characterized by America's Atlantic partnership, the India-U.S. relationship will be the defining feature of the 21st century. Indians applaud President Obama's open appreciation and acknowledgement not only of Indian history and culture, but of the independent path India took toward prosperity. This path, which included a socialist economy and non-alignment, was one of the key causes for estrangement between these two democracies during the Cold War era.

Looking at pictures of the statuesque Emir of Qatar (the emphasis is on the first vowel, by the way), and his even more statuesque wife, they seem perfectly at home in London. There’s a reason for that. His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, to give him his full title, owns large parts of it.

Irked by accusations that it is the new coloniser of Africa, China is looking to use soft power and historical evidence of its ancient links to the continent to justify its economic embrace of Africa. Singapore cements its position as a financial services hub and top regional tourist destination, the government is redoubling efforts to persuade locals to speak standard English.

South African President Jacob Zuma ended a three-day trip to China last week with a raft of trade deals intended to shore up South Africa's status as a "gateway to China" for the natural resources that fuel the Asian giant's rapid growth.

August 19, 2010

As China and India rise in tandem, their relationship will shape world politics.

Harvard University has ditched its investments in Israeli companies, raising red flags among Israel supporters. Was this political? With no comment from the university, the blogosphere is alight with speculation.

The British government has recently launched an initiative to make its Ambassadors front-line persons in pushing British business abroad.
