
Wael Ghonim, a Google executive who became a public voice in the Egyptian uprising, said that social networking played a vital role in the rebellion and will continue to do so in many other regions throughout the world.

The tombs of seven men, including several who served King Tutankhamen and his father, the pharaoh Akhenaten, were opened to tourists yesterday after restoration, to draw more visitors to the site in South Saqqara which is better known for its pyramids.

CPD Director Philip Seib has been quoted in Al Jazeera article concerning President's Obama's speech on economic aid to Tunisia and Egypt.

For the first time in its history, the Cannes Film Festival is honoring a “guest country”, Egypt, following its revolution. The organizers’ decision to celebrate Egypt’s political shift points to the dual identity of France’s most famous film festival.

After a page calling for a mass march by Palestinians on the borders of Israel on May 15 was taken offline by Facebook, mirror sites with more than 3.5 million followers sprung up... Will the so-called "Facebook Intifada" tip the Middle East into further turmoil?

Some tourist destinations thrown into the media glare by political turmoil or natural disasters are starting to incorporate these events into their marketing campaigns. Take, for instance, Chile's re-branded campaign slogan ‘Chile is good for you’.

"It was the soft power of Ghoneim and his associates, not bin Laden's crude power, that led to regime change" in Egypt says Khalil el-Anani, referring to the former Google executive who became the face of the youth-driven protests in January.

Ambassador Mahmoud Dirir, who led the 48 member Egyptian public diplomacy delegation to Ethiopia, told WIC that Dr. Essam Sharaf, premier of Egypt, is scheduled to meet with Ethiopian counterparts to discuss relations between the two countries.
