Through the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, he is donating $1,000,000 to the non-profit Nature Conservancy, according to Tech Times. In this venture, Leonardo DiCaprio will be helping to provide funds for a project that will protect the oceans surrounding Seychelles, a small African nation.
The exhibition tells how the IEP came about, and chronicles the program's achievements and the environmental technologies Taiwan has shared with other countries, including ways to clean polluted sites and turn electrical and electronic waste into valuable products.
Weeks before the summit, environment unfriendly industries within Beijing and the adjacent regions were suspended as required to reproduce the long lost blue sky and as short as the APEC meeting, the blueness was gone with the closure of the summit.
Leonardo DiCaprio's movie roles have made him an international star, but his long and little-known commitment to preserving the global environment has led to his new role — as a U.N. Messenger of Peace. Ban told a news conference that the Dicaprio "is not just one of the world's leading actors" but he has "a longstanding commitment to environmental causes."
A group of eight WPP agencies have banded together to launch a multimedia campaign for Al Gore and the Climate Reality Project in an effort to prompt global leaders to reduce carbon emissions in the days leading up to the U.N. Climate Summit on September 23.
The annual UNESCO World Heritage Committee meeting can be an exciting time for anyone who loves this planet's animals, plants and precious places.This year's meeting, which starts on Monday in Doha, Qatar, is shaping up to be very different story and it could actually prove quite an embarrassing affair for Australia. Firstly, the Australian Government is requesting that the World Heritage Committee remove World Heritage protection from ancient forests in Tasmania so that they can be logged.
Recent tensions over cyber espionage and the South China Sea have brought out areas of disagreement in U.S.-China relations. And yet, even as the U.S. and China trade barbs over these issues, they are stepping up their cooperation on a problem of global significance: climate change