French Embassy
Korean has been designated an official foreign language subject for college entrance exam in France, according to the French Embassy in Korea. An embassy official said on Sunday that France's Ministry of Education included Korean among foreign languages for the Baccalaureat ― an academic qualification test that French high school students must pass to graduate and enter university ― late last year.
If six weeks in Paris during the European summer learning filmmaking from some of the greats of French cinema sounds like your kind of working holiday, you should probably keep your ear to the ground for the 2017 edition of the Femis Gulf Summer School. The programme – a partnership between The Embassy of France to the UAE and the Femis Film School in Paris – sends students from across the Gulf to Paris each summer for an intensive six-week course.
The use of social networks to reach the public needs to be prioritised by the Vietnamese government and related agencies, especially during a period where the country is increasingly integrating into the global community.
Mr. Baudry, the cultural counselor for the French Embassy, is presenting a gift in two packages to his adopted city. The first is a bookstore, Albertine, named after the elusive love object of Proust’s “Remembrance of Things Past.”(...)The second is Festival Albertine, a six-night celebration of ideas that begins on Tuesday, matching French and American thinkers and writers in a wide variety of fields (...)