global aid & development

The United States announced on Tuesday three new educational initiatives that would benefit Palestinians, according to a press statement by the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem. The initiatives were announced at the conclusion of the first ever U.S.-Palestinian Higher Education Dialogue held in the United States.

For the world, yesterday was the annual celebration of World Food Day, a moment to reflect on the critical work being done to provide nutritious food for those without it and to give thanks for the food that many people have access to. In the State Department, for a small office of 10, every day is World Food Day.

Poverty is both a cause and consequence of marginalization and social exclusion [...] In his message to mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, the Secretary-General said that implementation of the 2030 Agenda is reaching the end of its first year, and with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, it embodies a universal vision for peace, prosperity, and dignity for all people on a healthy planet.

A conference, organized by several non-governmental organizations to review the current state of national and international efforts to assist in rebuilding the healthcare delivery systems, environment management, and develop emergency preparedness in countries of the Mano River Union (MRU) worst affected by the Ebola epidemic.

The Strategy lays out a whole-of-government approach to fighting hunger around the world and includes agency-specific implementation plans as required by the Global Food Security Act of 2016, whichPresident Obama signed into law in July. This bipartisan legislation solidified the U.S. Government’s commitment to global food security and nutrition.

We’ve heard even more about data recently because of the Sustainable Development Goals. It’s good news that the international development field finally seems to be pushing past the rhetoric. The indicators that will measure the SDGs are more complex, intersecting and sophisticated than we have ever seen before, and they will help us understand the world better.

Angela Merkel has become the first German chancellor to visit Niger, one of the world’s poorest countries. She has promised money and military vehicles to help the country fight human trafficking and the militant threat. She is on the second leg of a three-country African tour which started in Mali and will finish in Ethiopia.

The Cuban government announced today it is sending a medical team to Haiti for the relief of the victims after the devastating hurricane “Matthew”, local media reported. “A brigade of 38 Cuban doctors specialized in disaster situations will leave for Haiti,” said an official note read on Cuban television.
