government pd

Former senior officials from South Korea, China and Japan will hold their first three-way forum on public diplomacy later this week to help promote cooperation among the three nations […] The forum "will discuss how to deepen dialogue and exchange among the three countries," Hua said. "We believe that this will make a constructive role for promoting trilateral cooperation and interactions."

Hollywood’s relationship with the Middle East still relies on stock scenes and clichés. Films often proselytize American militarism while vilifying the largely Muslim region. Can Hollywood get out of this rut, and better yet contribute to the battle of ideas between Western democracies and radical Islam? 

The public diplomacy value of economic statecraft and why the United States must incorporate economic policy into its foreign policy. 

A day before he signed the Paris Agreement on climate change at the United Nations headquarters last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stopped by a Brooklyn gym, where he gave boxing lessons to a group of disadvantaged youth. While Trudeau put the youngsters through their paces, for the past six months it’s the prime minister’s passport that has been getting a workout.

During the Ming dynasty, [...] More than six centuries later, Xi Jinping, China’s president, launched a new maritime strategy explicitly drawing on Zheng’s legacy: the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The Maritime Silk Road is one part of a larger project, the One Belt, One Road (OBOR), which aims to connect China with Europe by land and sea. 

The German chancellor, Angel Merkel, has arrived in southern Turkey to inaugurate the EU aid programme for Syrians in the country, amid concerns that her visit validates Turkey’s creeping authoritarianism and overstates the EU’s humanitarian contribution to the Syrian crisis.

The Ministry of External Affairs is the most active wing of the Modi government on Twitter with 130 official Twitter accounts, revealed an RTI response. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Cabinet number 2, Home Minister Rajnath Singh, have two accounts each for information dissemination and ensuring quick response during any crisis.
