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NATO Week events will kick off at Yerevan State University library at 11:00 am on November 2 with an opening of a photo exhibition of Armenian peacekeepers involved in NATO-led operations in Kosovo and Afghanistan. The exhibition is organized by Information Center on NATO in Armenia with the sponsorship of NATO Public Diplomacy Division and the assistance of Ministry of Defense of Armenia.

Sir James Mancham, founding President of the Republic of Seychelles is at this moment in Madrid, Spain, participating in the high-level global dialogue on ‘Preventing and Countering Violence Extremism’, which has been organized by Le Club de Madrid in association with the International Centre of Radicalization and Political Violence (ICSR).

China’s soft power has also been ascendant in Africa. [...] China is leveraging its soft power — culture, investment, academia, foreign aid, public diplomacy — more effectively than before to influence Africa and other regions in the developing world.

“This will be the start of a relationship based on culture, diplomacy, and revolution. We hope to serve as an international example,” Talebzadeh explained, noting that the treatment of African Americans at the hands of police is important to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. [...]  Talebzadeh labeled the conference the “beginning of a cultural revolution and resistance and an international model for public diplomacy.”

The dominant perception is that the TPP is the commitment of the United States to Asian-Pacific relations, as well as an assertion of America’s trade and security rules and norms in a region increasingly influenced by China. This perception works well to positively influence the U.S’ Asian partners. But for its North American partners, Mexico in particular, the U.S’ rhetoric is different.

The 2015 Asia-Pacific Culture Day concluded Oct. 25 at Taipei Main Station, demonstrating the government’s commitment to fostering stronger ties between Taiwan and its partners throughout the region.

European leaders agreed to cooperate to manage migrants crossing the Balkans but offered no quick fix to a crisis that threatens to take more lives as winter sets in and to set Europe's nations against one another.
