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Hillary Clinton mocked President Donald Trump’s Twitter diplomacy on Tuesday, warning that it’s ineffective in pressuring North Korea to stop its saber-rattling.Clinton stressed in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour during a Women For Women International charity luncheon in New York that negotiating is key in getting the North Korean regime under control.“Negotiations are critical, but they have to be part of a broader strategy, not just thrown out on a tweet some morning
German Chancellor Angela Merkel uncovered on Monday her intension to employ diplomatic channels in search for a peaceful solution to the ongoing war in Yemen, adding that she already received the support of Riyadh in this regard. [...] Merkel held talks with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed on the conflicts in Yemen, Libya and Syria, as well as strengthening economic ties.
The United States and its new administration need to reengage with Latin America. Regional dynamics are favorable for it, giving President Trump the opportunity to reestablish relationships with the rest of the Western Hemisphere—and thus reaffirm the United States’ position as the region’s key partner. Regional primacy must remain a cornerstone of US Grand Strategy if President Trump truly wants to protect the country’s strategic interests and national security.
“Triangular diplomacy”, a term coined by former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger in reference to the confrontation and cooperation between the US, the Soviet Union and China during the cold war, seems to be back again, but in a new form and with new strategic significance. The strategy explained the informal alliance between Washington and Beijing; US president Richard Nixon and Kissinger managed, 45 years ago, to pit Beijing and Moscow against each other by forging a closer partnership with China