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In the former Soviet Union, when officials thought a citizen was stirring up trouble, they simply shipped him off to the Gulag. Today, authoritarian leaders have become more subtle about reining in those who would challenge the government – especially nongovernmental organizations promoting democracy and greater civil rights.

The United States doesn't have to trust Russian President Vladimir Putin, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Sunday on "Face the Nation," over his tentative agreement to help identify Syria's chemical weapons, place them under international control and ultimately dismantle them was "the only way to solve" the country's raging civil war.

Venezuela has rejected US criticism over its fight against international drug trafficking, after Washington said the South American country had "failed demonstrably" for a fifth year running. The White House said in an annual report on Friday that Venezuela, along with Bolivia and Burma, had not made substantial efforts in the last 12 months to meet its obligations under global counternarcotics agreements.

Diplomatic elder statesmen Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski told Fareed Zakaria on Sunday that Russia's prime motivation in its Syria diplomacy was stability. Speaking on "Fareed Zakaria GPS" on CNN, both said the superpower deal on Syria was designed to allow President Vladimir Putin to combat the tide of radical Islamic power in the region and also within his nation's borders - but that the U.S.-Russia deal on Syria also managed to extricate the United States from a difficult situation.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met in Geneva, Switzerland, September 12-14, to discuss matters concerning Syria, including the use of chemical weapons and steps to address these developments.

When contemplating the logistics of a possible war with Iran, it is helpful to consult maps indicating the multitude of US military bases that already encircle a country under crippling economic sanctions. No similar visual aids are available for Iranian bases in the vicinity of the US, for obvious reasons.However, there are various ways to compensate for the lack of an apparent Iranian threat in the western hemisphere. One is to blame it on "invisibleness".

The Mexican ambassador to Canada says his country is “really mad” at the Harper government for the continued imposition of a visa on its travellers here. Ambassador Francisco Suarez told The Canadian Press in an exclusive interview that Mexico is so upset that if the issue isn’t resolved by next year, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto might have to postpone a planned visit to Canada.

Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides yesterday said ties between Cyprus and Israel should not be limited to energy or security but should also embrace cultural diplomacy. Kasoulides was speaking at the signing of a cooperation agreement between the University of Cyprus and the Israeli Embassy in Nicosia for the creation of a Jewish Studies programme at the University of Cyprus (UCY).
