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In a ruling that could have dramatic consequences for online news agencies and digital journalists, a judge ruled Tuesday that two news outlets should have asked permission before using a Twitter picture from a photojournalist. According to the court's ruling, Agence France-Press violated the copyright of photojournalist Daniel Morel by taking photos of a 2010 earthquake in Haiti that he tweeted and disseminating them without permission via Getty.

African countries are interested in Turkey after many Turkish projects and investments launched in the continent. Turkey did not limit its activities with political or economic aims but contributed to African countries to develop in the fields of health, education and agriculture. Having spent his carreer mostly in African countries, retired Turkish Ambassador, Numan Hazar told AA that after Ottoman era, Turkey did not really have any dialogue with African countries.

Sonoman Bill Boerum was the final and featured dinner speaker on Saturday night at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Culver City Sister City Committee. Boerum is vice chairman of the board of directors of Sister Cities International, a Washington, and D.C. based organization promoting citizen diplomacy.

Eugenie Moore Anderson emerged a trailblazer for American women in international diplomacy during the post-World War II era. In 1949 she became the first American woman to hold the rank of ambassador. Helen Eugenie Moore, who went by Eugenie, was born in Adair, Iowa, in 1909. After attending Simpson College, Moore left Iowa and transferred to Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, where she planned on a career in music.

Clear progress has been made in China-Africa relations over the past decade or so, driven by economic cooperation. Similarly, the mutual support and friendly relations that China has had with African countries for over half a century are now evolving into “all-round strategic partnerships.” “China-Africa relations” became the world’s most popular phrase seemingly overnight from about 2006, drawing concern from across the globe.

The minister also urged them to be good ambassadors of the nation by striving at times to project a positive image for the country. “As good Ambassadors you must shun all form of crime activities that will put the nation in bad light.” The task of defending Nigeria lies with all of us as a collective responsibility because government alone cannot carry out these enormous responsibilities.

Speaking to FNA, Iran's Ambassador to Oman Ali Akbar Sibouyeh said Iran has always sought strengthening of stability and tranquility in the region in line with its "policy of confidence-building and détente".

January 14, 2013

Over the past two years, the Obama administration has focused greater diplomatic attention and military resources on East Asia as part of a policy described as a "pivot" or "rebalancing." While American leaders are loath to admit it publicly, this is a response to China's growing influence, particularly Beijing's territorial claims around its borders.
