government pd

Watch live a video chat on US-India Higher Education Dialogue between US Under Secretary of State for Public Affairs & Public Diplomacy Tara Sonenshine and the Indian Ambassador to the US Nirupama Rao. The chat is moderated by Robert Blake, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs.

As multicultural media in Canada grows, so is its use by emerging countries "as a way of influencing foreign public opinion, and as a part of their formal foreign policy apparatus," says one academic.

The report calls for new measures to build trust and improve perceptions of each other in the fields of education, diplomacy, media and security. They include doubling Australia’s public diplomacy budget, extending post-study work rights to international students, and training Australian teachers in Hindi language in anticipation of it being added to the Australian curriculum.

In the latest CPD Perspectives paper, titled "Practicing Successful Twitter Public Diplomacy: A model and case study of U.S. efforts in Venezuela," Erika Yepsen examines the role Twitter can play in public diplomacy, and how current policy needs to adapt to enable government to capitalize upon the benefits of the technology to engage effectively online.

I am thrilled that the Women in Public Service Project, which we launched in Washington in December, has tapped such a deep vein of enthusiasm for expanding the number of women answering the call to public service around the world.

The Foreign Ministry is taking steps to expand its online presence, with plans to open a Facebook account and increase the number of its Twitter feeds. The Foreign Ministry's move to attract online followers comes after President Vladimir Putin met last week with top diplomats and called on them to take up new approaches to transmit the government's message. "

Israel spends NIS 40 million each year on hasbara, the oft-used Hebrew word to describe its public relations efforts, through the Ministry of Public Diplomacy...Public Diplomacy Minister Yuli Edelstein told the Committee on Aliya, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs his ministry employed 150 emissaries overseas, funded 500 delegations and 22,000 speakers.

U.S. diplomats have boosted their public diplomacy through social media. The U.S. government has an active presence on Chinese social media sites; many U.S. officials in China have individual Weibo pages, and the embassy in Beijing and consulate departments update their own sites with remarks by American officials, press releases and videos.
