government pd

The Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship will allow U.S. citizens to contribute to the strengthening of the public sector abroad by serving in professional placements within foreign government ministries or institutions while simultaneously carrying out an academic research/study project.

Conditions within Iran, from rising inflation to widespread unemployment to economic stagnation, suggest that Tehran could still go the way of Tunis, Cairo and Tripoli. Against that backdrop, renewed “engagement” with the Iranian regime wouldn’t just be futile; it would be fatal to prospects for real grassroots change within Iran.

As part of our new relationship with Iraq, for the first time in more than 20 years the United States has returned to Iraq’s largest annual trade fair. Over 80 American corporations, universities, and travel and tourism organizations will showcase their products and services to Iraqi businesses and people for the purpose of building greater trade ties.

Dozens of doctors and nurses fanned out from a Chinese navy hospital ship to treat poor Jamaicans as part of a global humanitarian mission to portray China’s rapidly growing military as a responsible power. The aim of the to soften the image of China’s 2.3 million-member military and boost its ties with other nations’ armed forces.

Tourism, a buttress of the economy upon which an estimated 15 million people depend, remains in a tailspin. Desperate to reverse the trend, the tourism authority even test-marketed the uprising.

The Israeli army this week launched its official Arabic Facebook page. Joining the military's English blog, Twitter account and YouTube channel , the Arabic site will provide information about the Israeli army's activities in the Palestinian territories and other related issues. It will also serve as a place for conversation with readers.
