government pd

September 13, 2011

Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon® is an innovative partnership to leverage public and private investment in global health to combat cervical and breast developing nations in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon will expand the availability of vital cervical cancer screening and treatment and breast care education.

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) launched the “Dance With Us: Motion Across Cultures” Photo Contest on its ExchangesConnect online community today. ECA asks that participants capture the way people express themselves through movement around the world.

Seeking to put more of its own spin on global affairs and provide counterspin to offest coverage generated by CNN, the Voice of America and other U.S .public diplomacy outlets, official Chinese media is expanding its footprint in the southern hemisphere.The expanded coverage is an example of how China shape-shifts content delivery to support its global policy initiatives on a broad spectrum of issues.

Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon is the host in a new public diplomacy video on YouTube that explains the main reason for the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Authority is not Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria, but successive Arab leaders' resistance to Jewish sovereignty.

Officials said they would spend $4.7 million to boost tourism on the back of the Games and restore the Olympic host city’s tarnished image. Culture, media and sport secretary Jeremy Hunt says the publicity campaign aims to “set the record straight” and show the world that the riots do not “stand for what the U.K. is all about.”

To the long list of public diplomacy efforts the U.S. State Department has launched in Afghanistan, add the TV show "Eagle Four," a "24"-style cop thriller that has proven, in early analyses, to be the most popular of several TV programs financed by the U.S. Embassy in Kabul. The shows are all meant to serve some public policy function.

September 12, 2011

America's adversaries are not really most afraid of its military or even economic power. They are most afraid of its moral power...America's greatest natural resource and comparative advantage is its dynamic, multicultural society drawn together by a unifying concept...But, the way we approach the world through our foreign and national security policies is woefully inappropriate and counterproductive.

Ambassador Ford and other Embassy staff regularly post notes and interact with others on Facebook. The Ambassador believes it is important to use social media to get out the message that the United States wholly supports the Syrian people’s universal rights to freedom of speech and freedom of peaceful assembly.
