government pd

What do Israel and Syria have in common? Not much, but both have ministries of hasbara. No such thing exists in the West. No such thing exists in democracies.

As I write this, there remains a slight possibility that the federal government will not shutdown at midnight tonight, furlough all “non-essential” employees, and cease many of its functions.

With its aircraft in the skies of Libya and Ivory Coast, France has suddenly escaped diplomatic obscurity to find itself taking a leading role in two military ventures that have arguably tipped the scales on behalf of civilians. This comes after France was embarrassingly late in embracing pro-democracy protests that successfully ousted its old allies in Egypt and Tunisia.

The education of the girl child has been described as key to National development as the importance of education and the role it plays in the advancement of women cannot be overemphasized..

I recently came across an article found in PDiN (Public Diplomacy in the News) with the headline “Public Diplomacy Done Right with School Meals” by writer William Lambers, author of Ending World Hunger: School Lunches for Kids Around the World. The article argues that the U.S. should look back to a successful era of U.S.

In the 21st century, the United States, because of many factors, is perceived as the cause of instability. The U.S. is no longer the only country that has the capability to provide international food aid and is seen by much of the developed world, in terms of meals and health, as an unhealthy country that cannot provide the right nutrition for its own children.

Economic ties between the United States and Russia must be improved if the two countries want to "cement" their relations, according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov.
