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A senior Iranian cleric, Grand Ayatollah Bayat Zanjani, has discussed religious issues with his supporters on Facebook and Google Talk. A statement posted on the website of Ayatollah Bayat Zanjani, who has come under pressure from the Iranian authorities over his postelection stances, says the "unprecedented" online discussion took place on November 4 with a number of Internet users inside and outside of Iran.

Foreign policy is typically the executive branch’s domain because that is the branch that decides who the US negotiates with and what gets offered in those negotiations. However, Tuesday’s Republican victory, particularly the GOP takeover of the House and leadership of some key committees, has the ability to affect the US's dialogue, and in some cases policy, on a few key US relationships with other countries.

Tourism Minister, Slim Tlatli Minister received on Friday the board members of the Italian Travel Agencies Federation (FIAVET)...The minister gave an overview on Tunisian tourism and prospects for developing it.

Indian Army personnel are holding an annual joint military exercise with their American counterparts involving airborne specialist operations in sub-zero temperatures in Alaska.

For his India visit, President Barack Obama will likely receive stacks of India briefings from the State Department, the CIA, the National Security Council and countless officials. Aides will give him binders full of articles so he can better understand the wonder that is India. However, seeing is believing and nothing will better prepare Mr. Obama for his trip than watching Bollywood. On his 15-hour flight, the President can whip through five Bollywood movies that vividly bring new and old India to life.

Foreign leaders and publics may take the outcome of the election as a signal about what to expect from Obama in the next two years and craft their strategies accordingly. A GOP victory might embolden Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to continue stonewalling Obama and to stoke partisan opposition to his policies, for instance.

President Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration ushered in a new era that sought for America to re-engage with the world. Two years later it still stands in stark contrast to eight years of President George W. Bush’s unilateralism and reputation for cowboy diplomacy. But what happens to the spirit of Obama’s foreign policy if Republicans capture control of Congress?

November 2, 2010

In only seven months, Hugo Chavez has passed 1,000,000 followers on Twitter. He announced the accomplishment this morning.
