government pd

Ninety-eight per cent of the visa applications from Pakistan are rejected for being relied upon fake documents. Even strong candidates make their cases doubtful by just attaching one fake document to their application. This was stated by US Consulate Consul General Carmella Conroy while addressing the students of Government College University on ‘the role of the United States for promotion of education in Pakistan’ here [Lahore] on Tuesday

While U.S. public diplomacy since September 11, 2001, has focused on countering terrorism and the radicalization of the Muslim world, China has been moving ahead, taking a page out of the U.S. playbook. Aiming to promote their model of governance, the Chinese have invested heavily in public diplomacy.

In Afghanistan, where women have traditionally been treated as shut-ins and worse, 29 Afghan women are taking a daring step: They are the first volunteers to undergo training to serve in the all-male Afghan national army.

Two dozen countries representing 80 percent of the world’s commercial energy consumption on Tuesday announced initiatives to build more efficient appliances and buildings, “smart” electric grids and electric vehicles.

Most of us in the U.S. probably don't pay much attention to Tajikistan, but the central Asian nation, which borders Afghanistan and China, is strategically crucial. Fortunately, the U.S. Embassy in Tajikistan...has a brilliant new strategy to strengthen our cultural bonds: Body building competitions.

Green T-shirts flooded the State Department on Wednesday during an event that celebrated the graduation of teenage “Peace Ambassadors” from India, Pakistan and Afghanistan from a programme aimed at promoting cross-border understanding in the leaders of the future.

On July 13, US Congressmen Mac Thornberry (TX-13) and Adam Smith (D-WA), both members of the House Intelligence and Armed Services Committees, introduced “The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2010” (H.R. 5729), a bipartisan bill to revise an outdated restriction that interferes with the United States’ diplomatic and military efforts.

Syrian Minister of Tourism, Saadallah Agha al-Qalaa has discussed with his Venezuelan counterpart Alejandro Fleming means of bolstering the tourist relations between Syria and Venezuela. Talks also dealt with the possibility of exchanging tourist delegations and expertise in a way that contributes to the formation of an integrated tourist system between the two countries.
