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A photo exhibition opened on Tuesday in Warsaw, Poland, showcasing pictures of that country and China to help boost cultural exchanges between the two ahead of President Xi Jinping's first state visit to this country. The "Beautiful China, Beautiful Poland" exhibition, organized by China's State Council Information Office and Chinese embassy to Poland, features more than 40 photos from both countries.

June 14, 2016

Geographical complexities with Tibet and political complexities with India are the major factors affecting Nepal’s ‘transit diplomacy’ through which it hopes to attain prosperity. Besides the geography hypothesis and the culture hypothesis, inclusive economic institutions at home are essential for not just generating prosperity but also for simplifying geopolitical complexities.


The international community could actually take a lesson out of the Iran example. [...] Even Iran’s allies such as Russia and China joined hands with the U.S. and Britain to build a global pressure regime which eventually worked in forcing Tehran to compromise. What was one of the most contentious global issues till a few years ago was settled amicably in a rare case of the triumph of public diplomacy. 

The United States and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced an agreement Sunday that would allow the two nations to collaborate on matters of space and aeronautics research, including the potential journey to Mars. [...] The two countries also announced that they would collaborate on education and public outreach.

On Monday, President Mukherjee would join Ghanaian President John Mahama for a one-on-one meeting. A number of agreements, including on setting up a Joint Commission between India and Ghana and on renewal of Cultural Exchange Programme, are likely to be inked during Mukherjee's visit.


ASEAN-Korea Tourism Development Workshop, the venue gathered over 100 representatives from the government, private sector and academia to discuss recent trends and possibilities in the industry. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is promoting a form of tourism environmentally nondestructive, socially responsible and commercially sustainable. 

There have been complaints by Nigerians on how they are treated when seeking visas.' In this regard, he made two important points. First is that the South African President 'has indicated that Nigeria and South Africa need to intervene by making it easier for our nationals to have visas to our two countries [...] that both countries 'have totally moved from political diplomacy to economic diplomacy and to promote this economic diplomacy, there is need for smooth movement of people between our two countries.'

June 11, 2016

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Iran raised interest not just in India but across the world. [...] The cultural agenda was covered under the largely unnoticed third agreement signed under the PM’s aegis by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations and the Islamic Culture and Relations Organisation.
