human rights

Turkey's top court on Thursday ruled that a ban on YouTube is unconstitutional, paving the way to lift the two-month blockade, after the government cut off access to Google Inc. GOOGL +0.02% 's video-sharing website for publishing leaked state secrets just days before critical March elections.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has taken steps to reach the country's powerful youth constituency since his election in June 2013, using Twitter and talking about the importance of the Internet in an effort to connect. The country has a young, tech-savvy population, more than half of which is under the age of 30, making it an important voice in determining the country's future.  But despite Rouhani's outreach, using the Internet remains difficult in Iran amid government repression.

Representatives from some of the world’s largest fashion brands and the leader of one of the world’s biggest union organizations met this week with Cambodian officials and local clothing manufacturers to demand better treatment and improve workplace safety for the country's estimated 600,000 garment workers. 

Sudan is facing growing condemnation for sentencing a pregnant woman to be whipped and then hanged for adultery. Governments, the UN and human rights groups are also concerned that she is being kept shackled in prison with her toddler son a month before she is due to give birth.They have called on the Sudanese government to immediately release Meriam Yahya Ibrahim, 27, and overturn both her death sentence and sentence of 100 lashes.

The World Cup is just three weeks away, and Brazil has been accused of human rights abuse, people have been protesting in the streets for months and even the International Olympic Committee has publicly questioned the country's preparedness for the biggest soccer event in the world. Now even the country's biggest sports icon is speaking out - and he is not happy.

UN Women today launched a major campaign in the lead-up to the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the historic Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. A year of activities around the world will aim to mobilize governments and citizens alike to picture a world where gender equality is a reality and to join a global conversation on empowering women to empower humanity.

Is FIFA being shamed sufficiently to seriously consider moving the 2022 World Cup out of Qatar? Don’t bet on it, though the recent admission by FIFA boss Sepp Blatter that awarding the World Cup to Qatar was “a mistake” has renewed focus on the small Gulf state’s attempt to host the world’s premier sporting event. FIFA was quick to “clarify” Blatter’s remarks, saying the president’s comment only pertained to weather.

“International humanitarian law requires that parties to the conflict at all times distinguish between civilians, civilian objects and military objectives,” she said. “Sustained rocket and barrel-bomb attacks on populated areas of Aleppo are being carried out in grave violation of international humanitarian and human rights law.
