hurricane matthew

In Grande Anse, the (International Organization for Migration (IOM) project funded by the Directorate General of Civil Protection and European Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) is helping to repair roofs damaged by Hurricane Matthew as well as train carpenters in para-cyclonic construction techniques.

In the wake of Hurricane Matthew, one Haitian-American doctor is fighting back against cholera, a disease that has devastated her parents’ home country. Starting just after sunrise each morning, Dr. Naima Joseph begins work at the cholera treatment unit in Les Anglais on Haiti’s southern peninsula. For about 12 hours each day, Naima and a dozen Haitian nurses and aides treat patients believed to be suffering from potentially lethal waterborne diseases.

Something of a musical exchange-student program, the organization brings young musicians from all over the world to the U.S. together for a month each year to collaborate on music. Started in 2012, OneBeat hopes to celebrate the ways that the arts can impact local and global communities, as well as help people connect across cultures through music.