
Mr. Khanna argues that in a time of rising state capitalism in many places, corporate diplomacy is national diplomacy too. Research in Motion's security approach in India and Bombardier's China policies, like it or not, are Canadian policies.

Two Indian American students have won a prestigious State Department award for creating a website for cultural diplomacy with the Muslim world. The 'Doors to Diplomacy Award' recognises the web projects that best teach young people about the importance of international affairs and diplomacy...

In less than a year, the external affairs ministry's twitter account has collected over 10,000 followers, pioneering the outreach of government organisations on social media platforms.

"We will reach out to most of Africa that has not been significantly touched by our economic diplomacy in recent decades," the official said. India will announce a joint study group to explore modalities for an FTA with Comesa, which is home to half-a-billion Africans and has an annual trade basket of over $300 billion.

The name 'Amitabh Bachchan' does more for India abroad than other known symbols of India's soft power such as the Taj Mahal, curry or the Kama Sutra, according to Rachel Dwyer, an expert on Indian cinema and culture.

Last year, the Public Diplomacy division of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) began an experiment....[W]e see social media not just as a tool for disseminating information; it is also valuable for getting feedback, listening, engaging with people, so that a relationship is built.

The British Council is going to start an 18-month cultural partnership review programme involving members of the council of India and the United Kingdom (UK).

Cannes celebrated Bollywood with the midnight screening of a specially prepared montage of great moments in Hindi musical cinema."Bollywood: The World's Greatest Love Story" was put together to make up for a perennial dearth of Indian films in competition at the world's biggest film event.
