
Maximum India has been everything it was expected to be – a resounding success – but for its films: old art house productions, usual suspects pulled out from the stable of ponies reserved for film festivals. The host, Kennedy Center, is aware of the criticism, but is taking it on the chin.

Members of the famous Mayurbhanj Chhau Group from Orissa, India are on their way to the West Indies for several performances and workshops from March 14 to 20. This is under the aegis of the High Commissioner of India, Malay Mishra and Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Cultural Cooperation.

Suri said that the image of India’s foreign office has been that they’re “fuddy duddy”, and they joined Twitter and Facebook with the intent of building a positive narrative about india, development partnerships, and create Friends of India communities via facebook.”

Just a fortnight before the massive tsunami devastated north-eastern Japan, nearly 300 passionate Japanese nationals in the City were enjoying themselves, exhibiting aspects of their cultural heritage and embracing elements of Indian mores.

he Public Diplomacy division of the Ministry of External Affairs was awarded the prestigious Awards 2011 instituted by Governance Now magazine for innovative use of social media and Web 2.0 tools in government.

March 10, 2011

This season, Mumbai’s fashion week is looking to add a little foreign flavour to the mix of designers showcasing. Joining hands with the the Japan Fashion Week (JFW), one of the shows will feature three Japanese designers as part of Tokyoeye — a unique cross-cultural exchange initiative by Japan’s Mi
nistry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) collections to buyers from India and all over the world.

"India's rejuvenation, re-emergence and rise have a message for the whole world. India symbolises the freedom of human freedom," Singh said in his address in New Delhi on the 80th birthday celebrations of noted scholar and veteran Congressman Karan Singh.
