
We’ve heard even more about data recently because of the Sustainable Development Goals. It’s good news that the international development field finally seems to be pushing past the rhetoric. The indicators that will measure the SDGs are more complex, intersecting and sophisticated than we have ever seen before, and they will help us understand the world better.

Delhi is getting rebranded in good measure and in a positive way. The new mantra for the national Capital is 'Dilli Hain Hum' which aims at attracting tourists from across the world and make the Delhiites feel proud of their heritage. [...] It will showcase the city in all its vibrancy, from Chandni Chowk's street food and Mandi House's theatre festivals, to South Delhi's plush shopping malls and eco-tourism at Yamuna and Asola Mines biodiversity parks.

The Committee of the Whole that adopted 22 guidelines worth considering had its marathon meeting here under the Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani has also suggested that Pakistan should re-establish a Public Diplomacy Office at the Foreign Office. This will function as the Foreign Office’s public diplomacy and soft power office and an inter-ministerial space for projecting cultural, economic and trade outputs.

A ballet dancer and choreographer, she is heading a team of 12 artistes on a cultural exchange programme organised by the Indo-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industries on the occasion of the BRICS summit to be held in Goa between October 15 and 16. 

The sarkari festival of India abroad has been forced to try a new template, with corporate contributions and a professional production company brought in, which could not have been easy at a time when the government is cutting spending on culture. Organising the Confluence Festival of India was a learning, and sometimes, a humbling experience, especially for Indian High Commissioner to Australia Navdeep Suri.

The Embassy of Sweden and the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Ltd jointly inaugurated the Nobel Memorial Wall at the Rajiv Chowk Metro station of the Delhi Metro network on Saturday. The aim of exhibiting this wall is to spread further awareness about all the Nobel Laureates from India and their contribution to the society.

It is a sign of how much the United States influences our lives that large numbers of Indians tuned in to see the first debate between Presidential contenders Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The debate was shown early in the morning but many had arranged to not just get up, but also assemble friends to see it together so that they could discuss it in real time, somewhat like, say, World Cup football.

In spite of the jubiliation over surgical strikes inside PoK to 'avenge' Uri attack and flight of Pakistani artistes from India, Pakistani music lovers from Bengal see music and it's exchange as the only path in ensuring long-lasting peace between the two nations. [...] Exchange of artistes instead of kicking them out of the two antagonist countries is felt by some as a way to increase cultural exchange.
