
India shares traditionally warm ties with Afghanistan. After shunning Afghanistan during the Taliban regime, India become a friend and a strategic partner to the Afghan government. Indian culture, including Bollywood, as its film industry is known, is hugely popular in Afghanistan and India sees an opportunity to win economic influence, boost security, and gain a trade link to Central Asia through Afghanistan.

Seven students of M S University (MSU) have been selected for the prestigious European Union-funded Erasmus Mundus Fellowships worth Rs 85 lakh. The fellowship programmes are arranged and managed by the Office of International Affairs at the M S University of Baroda.

How an annual Indian festival is forging permanent friendships in Egypt.

Indian voters and foreign observers have been understandably fixated on Narendra Modi's potential to repair India's economy and governance. Less attention has been paid to the possibility that he might also prove a transformative leader in India's relations with the world — until now.

In a goodwill gesture, Pakistan yesterday freed 151 Indian fishermen while Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa ordered the release of all detained Indian fishermen on the eve of the swearing-in ceremony of Prime Minister-elect Narendra Modi.Authorities released 59 Indian fishermen from Malir jail in Karachi and another 92 from Nara jail in Hyderabad in Sindh province. The release comes ahead of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s visit to India to attend the swearing-in of Modi.

A day before Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif flies into India to attend Narender Modi’s swearing-in as the next premier, Pakistan on Sunday released 151 Indian fishermen from Karachi and Hyderabad prisons as a goodwill gesture.

Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has accepted an invitation to attend the inauguration of Indian Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi, a first in the history of the nuclear-armed rivals, an official said on Saturday."There will be a bilateral meeting on the sidelines between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Mr. Modi," Mohyuddin Wani, the joint secretary of the prime minister's office, told Reuters. "Mr. Sharif will also be calling on the Indian president."

The scale and audacity of this attack makes it especially shocking, and the case has triggered an extraordinary outpouring of indignation across the globe -- on a scale that isn't necessarily typical in cases involving violence against women. As FP commentator Lauren Wolfe observed in her recent article, women are often abducted in conflicts around the world without generating much of an international reaction. And as theNew York Times recently pointed out, Boko Haram's ransom videosuggests that the group itself has been surprised by the degree of global outrage.
