international broadcasting

Andrew Lack has a Herculean task ahead of him. Lack was sworn in January 20 as Chief Executive Officer and Director of the U.S. International Broadcasting(USIB) services. His job will be to sort out the mess that has resulted from years of bad management and misplaced priorities at the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the part-time board that for two decades has attempted to run the U.S. government’s complex of media services

Fox News has spent years ridiculing France for sins real and imagined. Now the mayor of Paris is punching back with plans to sue the network after its coverage “insulted” her city in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

Longtime CNN anchor Jim Clancy has left the cable news network following a controversial exchange on Twitter over the Charlie Hebdo attack in which he both mocked pro-Israel advocates and used a disability slur.

On Friday, a number of jihadist-linked Twitter accounts began tweeting links to, a Web site which claims to be an "official website for the supporters of the Islamic State Caliphate." A selection of video and radio channels were hosted on the site, some playing Islamic State propaganda videos and others jihadi nasheeds (a type of Islamic vocal music). Users were able to "chat" with fellow viewers.

A BBC News Radio presenter and correspondent mocked US Secretary of State John Kerry for bringing musician James Taylor to Paris, evidently to make amends for missing last Sunday’s unity march. 

CNN International news channel, which withdrew from Russian cable networks from December 31, 2014, hopes to have talks on its coming back to Russia with Russia’s oversight authority in the sphere of the mass media (Roskomnadzor) before the end of January.

Since taking office in 2013, Rufus Gifford has been a popular guest on many Danish radio and television shows. And in 2014, the Ambassador appeared on his own six-episode reality show, which followed his professional and personal life over the course of three months.

Tivoli, Copenhagen

Mads Hvas Jensen on the savvy PD of Ambassador Rufus Gifford's Danish reality TV show.
