international broadcasting

More than 90 international journalists from 80 countries will participate in the Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists, during which they will examine the rights and responsibilities of a free press in a democracy and observe operational practices, standards and institutions of the media. 

Rwanda on Friday partially suspended BBC broadcasts over a controversial documentary on the central African country's leadership and the 1994 genocide.

Russian President Vladimir Putin was cooperative and constructive when asked for his help in allowing investigators access to the MH17 crash site in Ukraine, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said Saturday.

VOA’s acting managing editor for its central news division David Jones emailed staff yesterday to offer the chance to receive and report on the Ebola vaccine currently being tested at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, reported on Wednesday by USA Today.

When the latest Gaza war broke out in July, there was a parallel conflict taking place in the global media. Myths and propaganda made their way into mainstream coverage and distorted the already conflicting, and highly contentious narratives.

BBG Watch claimed that senior managers at BBG and VOA “stealthily cut 14 repeat hours of satellite TV news programming weekly to China in the middle of the Hong Kong-China crisis,” and moved some VOA Chinese TV broadcasts to “less desirable time slots” without alerting VOA’s China Branch staff.

In 2014, the trend has continued with the Federal Government eviscerating its publicly funded overseas television service, Australia Network, which targeted its broadcasts to Asia. News reports this month suggest ABC Radio & Television's news presence in New Delhi and Tokyo may be scaled back too.

As the new Turkish prime minister, Ahmet Davutoglu is likely to revitalize the role of public diplomacy.
