international broadcasting

Whistleblowing website WikiLeaks today published more than 1.7 million United States records, covering diplomatic or intelligence reports on every country in the world. Much of the work was carried out by founder Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. He sought refuge there last June over fears he would be sent to the US if he was extradited to Sweden to face sexual offence claims by two women.

Minister for Communication, Science and Technology, Prof. Makame Mbarawa has clarified that the plan to migrate from analogue to digital television broadcasting has not been suspended...Tanzania's migration to digital broadcasting began in 2005. In that year TCRA issued the first public consultation document (PCD) on the switchover from analogue to digital broadcasting...

On April 1, 2013, the USC Center on Public Diplomacy and the Public Diplomacy Council hosted a briefing in Washington, D.C. as a follow-up to the March 1 conference at USC, “International Broadcasting in the Social Media Era.”

The deadline for cable TV digitization to complete its phase in 38 cities will end on Monday, even as cable TV operators in many cities hope for some leniency from the central government. According to The Hindu, many cities have still not switched to digital service and operators need time to complete the process. The delay in switching from analogue service to digital service is due to lack of sufficient set-up boxes and labour power.

From unrealized legislation in Tunisia to the example of the US Federal Communications Commission, a spectrum of international examples of media regulation was presented at a conference titled “Egypt and International Models of Broadcast Regulation and Accountability.” Guest speakers from the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the United States, Tunisia, Libya, and Morocco spoke about how media regulation works in their home countries

Eleven German journalists visited the BBG yesterday as a part of the RIAS Berlin Commission’s spring exchange program. The participants met with IBB Director Richard Lobo and attended a VOA editorial meeting. They then met with VOA Associate Director of Language Programming Rebecca MacMenamin and discussed topics such as finding foreign audiences, the federal government’s role in US international broadcasting, and how the agency creates new language services.

JSC Global Contact Consulting will initiate satellite broadcasting this month, starting with four Free-to-Air channels and progressively expanding to include both Georgian and international channels.

You’ve got to feel sorry for Australia’s public international television service, Australia Network. Launched by the Keating government in 1994 under the name Australia Television, its short life has been blighted with funding cuts, death threats, name changes and a failed outsourcing effort. Its most recent adventure was the messy tender tempest to determine who should be awarded the new contract to manage the network.
