international education

Protecting our nation is one of the most important roles of the federal government, and we do need to be thoughtful about how to establish effective immigration polices. However, the broad-based nature of the ban flies in the face of decades of support for the power of international exchange. Even a foreign policy hard line approach would typically be softened by an ongoing support of international exchange.

The Provost accepted the Graduate Student Government Senate’s request for USC to become a member of the Institute of International Education’s Syria Consortium for Higher Education in Crisis. […] Among USC’s other efforts in providing educational opportunities to endangered scholars, as mentioned in the statement, are its membership in Scholars at Risk and the IIE Scholar Rescue Fund.

May 7, 2012

In 2010, nearly 130,000 Chinese students studied in the U.S., a 30 percent increase from the year before. China is now America's top source of international students. For Chinese students in the U.S., there's a bigger challenge than the language barrier: defining and defending their homeland.

The Alamance-Burlington School System will be part of a statewide effort to increase an emphasis on global knowledge and interaction in public education.
