
In recent years, the discipline of nation branding has become a new frontier in how nations position themselves to compete for global share of, amongst others, attention, tourism, investment and skills. Cities have become an integral pillar in building strong competitive nation brands because a nation is, after all, a collection of cities - or city brands.


Fourteen years ago, it was founded as a local coffee and bakery chain store in a Taiwanese night market. Today, a U.S. city mayor signed an official document creating a day in its honor. [...] Some local Taiwanese businesses saw this recognition as proof of how proactive the U.S. government had become in attracting investment." Others saw it as a more profound sign that a sector of Taiwan's soft power in the U.S. was on the rise.

Representatives of Zambia’s Public-Private Partnership Unit (PPP) returned at the weekend from a visit to the United Kingdom where they presented project opportunities valued at more than USD 22 billion to prospective investors. [...] “Our motives are clear. More and better roads, railways, energy, water, sanitation and housing will improve productivity in our economy, create jobs and lift Zambians out of poverty.’’

In this scenario, India has to gradually induce China into accepting the fact that not taking action against Pakistan-based terrorism is detrimental for everyone in the neighbourhood. And this can be achieved through greater dialogue and boosting bilateral economic cooperation to an extent that will dwarf the China-Pakistan economic relationship. 

The initiative announced on Tuesday will receive $300-million over the next five years. Proponents see the move as a good first step that could eventually put Canada in the ranks of other developed countries that are making a profit on loans and other financing options for Canadian, international and local businesses operating in developing countries.

MOFA will follow up with a wide range of activities next year, such as sending performance groups on cultural diplomacy tours throughout the region, according to the director-general. 

The seminar, to be held on Monday, is organised by the Spanish Permanent Mission to the United Nations together with Casa África, Spain’s main public diplomacy institution dedicated to the African continent, and Real Instituto Elcano, one of the most prestigious think-tanks. It will be attended ambassadors accredited to the UN and business executives from the United States and Spain.
