
Public Diplomacy Minister Yuli Edelstein will ask the cabinet on Sunday to open to the public the photographic archives of the Govenment Press Office, which is under his ministry's jurisdiction.

The Israel Film Festival is produced by IsraFest Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization created in 1982. The 25th Anniversary festival is presented in association with the Government of Israel, Consulate General of Israel in New York, Israel Film Fund, Ministry of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs...

Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Minister Yuli Edelstein on Wednesday opined that Israel should not wait until September to announce annexation of the West Bank, but rather immediately, as well as initiate other measures, noting that the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) has "chosen a strategy of terror and unilateralism."

The Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles, an official diplomatic office of the government of Israel, has launched a new public diplomacy initiative to utilize tablet and e-reader devices to streamline the distribution of books and official documents.

Justin Bieber, the hottest pop music sensation on the planet, just spent a week in Israel. It could have been a public diplomacy bonanza for the Jewish nation-state. This was a no-brainer.

The Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles, an official diplomatic office of the government of Israel, has begun a new public diplomacy initiative to utilize e-readers and other tablet devices to streamline the distribution of books and official documents.

Obviously we have to be active on all fronts. The international media is a front. So you have the IDF Spokesman. You have the Ministry of Public Diplomacy. Everyone must do what they can to improve this situation. But it’s not that important.

Dozens of prominent Israeli academics, artists and other public figures will today protest against Israel's West Bank occupation and express support for a Palestinian plan to seek United Nations support for statehood.
