
What makes better headlines? Is it numbing figures such as the 8,000 Palestinian rockets fired at Israel since it unilaterally withdrew from Gaza in 2005, and the 42.5 percent of Israeli children living near the Gaza border who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder? Or is it high-resolution images of bombed-out buildings in Gaza and emotional stories of bereaved Palestinians?

Last week, The Jewish Agency for Israel and Masa Israel opened an International New Media Center in Jerusalem which is staffed by volunteers from around the world who are participating in Masa Israel programs. The center will allow the volunteers to participate in Israel’s public diplomacy activities by sharing their personal experiences of living in Israel under rocket fire with people around the world through social media, utilizing multiple languages.

November 27, 2012

In September, StandWithUs (having raised funds for the project through Jewcer) brought to Israel 10 of the world’s top Instagram users to take inspiring, fun photos of daily life in the country. Here’s Part 2 of our “best of” series of selections.

More than 200 Russian-speaking young Jews who are living in Western Europe gathered in the Netherlands for a Jewish Agency conference about Israel. Participants in last week's four-day conference, which the Jewish Agency co-organized with Israel's Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Ministry, participated in workshops on “fighting the de-legitimization of Israel.”

Israel held a four-day conference aimed at giving young Russian-speaking Jewish communal leaders in Europe a training in social media that should enable them to promote the country’s image and to reverse anti-Israeli attitudes. The conference, held on November 21-25 in Maastricht, Holland, was organized by the Jewish Agency for Israel, and the Ministry for Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs.

Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid released a statement Tuesday night in which he boasted about his efforts to help Israel explain Operation Pillar of Defense to the international community and accused Avigdor Liberman’s Foreign Ministry of failing to cooperate with him. “I am trying to help in the public diplomacy effort with the foreign press,” Lapid wrote. “But despite my request, the Foreign Ministry did not agree to give me its message sheet so I could coordinate my positions with the official spokesmen.”

Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu reached out to Israeli public diplomacy activists Monday in a video conference, as he paid tribute to their “focus on refuting the industry of lies” as “a significant addition for the State of Israel”.

November 23, 2012

Since the beginning of the Pillar of Defense counter-terror operation, the Ministry of Public Diplomacy has been working hard to get the facts out in face of Hamas’ false reports. The PR effort, which includes a media center, has been dubbed, “Israel Under Fire.” The diplomacy efforts are focused not only on the Western world, but on Israel’s Arabic-speaking neighbors.
