middle east

The domino-like succession of civil unrest that has rocked repressive regimes in the Middle East has been called "the Jasmine Revolution." It might better be known as "the 140-character Rebellion," after the character limits of Twitter, which gave it voice.

Ever since Anwar Sadat’s assassination in 1981, Egypt has been ruled by Hosni Mubarak, who has been acting like a latter-day Pharaoh for the past 30 years. During his firm rule Mubarak brought “stability” to Egypt, primarily benefiting the ruling classes and not the man and woman on the street...

The young Arab women and men of Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya and Yemen have proved that they are willing to die to build a better future. They yearn for freedom, opportunity and democracy. It is doubtful they will accept anything less.

On March 3, 2011, the Arab Water Academy will have completed training the first group of water diplomats in the Arab region... The 6-month training programme focused mainly on 'water diplomacy' and transboundary water issues.

February 28, 2011

In the miraculous year of 1968 we were exposed to the winds blowing both from the West and the East, we were attracted to both the Flower Children in the United States and the Red Guards in China.

The Association for International Broadcasting (AIB) has expressed its concern at the continuing disruption to transmissions of a number of its members. Deliberate, harmful Interference has been noted to the satellite transmissions of Alhurra, Al Jazeera and Deutsche Welle since unrest began in a number of North African and Middle Eastern countries.

Head of Iran's Culture and Islamic Relations Organization Mohammad Baqer Khorramshad reiterated that the recent developments in the Middle-East and North Africa have resulted from Iran's soft power.

After avoiding the wave of protests sweeping the Middle East for months, Oman has entered its third day of continuous demonstrations. Local media is reporting that demonstrators have set fire to a supermarket, cars, a police station, houses, and the governor’s residence...
