opinion surveys

A majority of Japanese people — 83.8 percent — are concerned the administration of new U.S. President Donald Trump could create global instability, according to a Kyodo News survey conducted Saturday and Sunday. Only 13.1 percent of the respondents to the nationwide telephone survey said they are not concerned about the administration of Trump, who was sworn in on Jan. 20 and is pushing an “America First” agenda on trade and immigration.

The British public is fearful of the rise of fascism around the world in the wake of Donald Trump’s election victory in the US and the Brexit referendum in the UK, according to a new survey released today. The study by BMG Research for ‘The Independent’ newspaper also showed that most people think the number of individuals holding fascist views is increasing in the UK and on the continent as well.

August 19, 2011

Polling for self-understanding. Opinion research has the role of giving the entire society, and groups within it, a better understanding of their cultural identities and where they stand on various issues. Opinion research consistently finds that familiarity breeds, not contempt, but appreciation.

The single greatest priority for young people in the Middle East remains living in a democratic country, according to the findings of the 2010 ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller Arab Youth Survey, the largest study of its kind of the region’s largest demographic.