
Around a third of Saudi scholarship students in the UK are female, many of them outstanding scholars, creative artists and filmmakers. They are a massive soft-power asset that could aid Saudi Arabia address foreign public opinion about how Saudi women are benefiting from greater political, social and economic roles. Saudi diplomacy with the UK is mostly mediated by elites. 

August 21, 2016

Korea and China celebrate the 24th anniversary of diplomatic relations on Aug. 24, but bilateral ties have suffered considerably in recent months due to Seoul's decision to deploy an advanced U.S. missile defense system here. Amid rising tensions between the two countries, President Park Geun-hye will visit China to attend the 11th G20 summit in Hangzhou on Sept. 4 to 5.

As number 16 in the world medal chart in Rio and currently top in Africa, Kenya is in the league of the world’s sports powers. Kenya should fund its nationalist project as part of its sports diplomacy and projection of soft power. There is no reason why gold medallists should not be full ambassadors and remunerated accordingly. The country must consciously and innovatively invest in its sports talents.

Increasing number of Indians add value to enhance Hong Kong’s tourism and also at times to strengthen academic ties and trade. [...] Today diplomatic ties between Hong Kong and India have promoted growth in sectors of investment finance, education, culture, shipping and trade. Health diplomacy has continued to be side-lined and little has been understood by Hong Kong’s immigration officers.

Part of the problem is that Muslim communities have yet to develop political literacy. They can learn much from non-governmental organizations about facilitating discussion, debate, building alliances, and forging constructive action. A few notable initiatives are under way. For example, the Noor Cultural Centre in Toronto regularly sponsors lectures and discussions about contemporary issues.

August 14, 2016

Sports are for fun. However, behind the fun lies the power that can unite people. Sports teach an individual to be responsible and discipline. The good principles of sports spread a good message to people who watch sports. Sports are more than a recreational activity, both to those who play and those who watch.

International Youth Day observed under the theme ‘The Road to 2030: Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Consumption and Production’ represents the opportunity for youth at home and abroad to reflect on the work, progress and struggles of all youths, regardless of race, class or ethnicity. [...] it is important that Local and Central government provides opportunities and an enabling environment to maximize the potential of youths across all sectors and reduce the challenges that hinders development.

August 1, 2016

We need effective nationwide public diplomacy to explain our foreign policy perspectives to government, legislative, corporate, media and civil society circles, so that major initiatives do not become hostage to party politics or narrow local interests.
