pakistan flooding

Why did the world, particularly U.S. individual donors, give so much for Haiti but show so little concern for Pakistan? The two most common answers are the poor economy and donor fatigue. While they are certainly playing a role, these two factors provide an incomplete picture.

The generosity of the British public in helping Pakistan's flood victims is "shaming politicians around the world", the head of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) has said. Brendan Gormley, chief executive of the DEC, said the UK public was leading the way in donations, but that further funds were urgently needed.

United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently pledged that the U.S. would provide long-term support to Pakistanis affected by historic, devastating floods...My own view, in a nutshell, is that this is not a public diplomacy issue. It’s a humanitarian issue. We in the West should find every way to relieve the immense suffering in that unstable but crucial nation, simply because it’s the right thing to do, not because we can expect to score points or to keep the Pakistani Taliban from scoring points.

United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently pledged that the U.S. would provide long-term support to Pakistanis affected by historic, devastating floods. Soon after, the United Nations called a special meeting to address how to escalate relief efforts.

Pakistan said on Thursday it is still mulling over India's offer of aid for flood-affected communities, despite a serious shortage of funds hampering Islamabad's ability to provide relief to the eight million people in need...India last week offered $5 million, but a Pakistani diplomat said Islamabad has not yet decided whether to accept, despite the massive scale of the flooding and its lack of resources to respond effectively.

Pakistan is experiencing one of the worst disasters in history. Floods have devastated the country killing more than 1500 people and leaving many people homeless.Pakistan is experiencing one of the worst disasters in history. Floods have devastated the country killing more than 1500 people and leaving many people homeless...What makes India (and Indian media) ignore the unfolding disaster in Pakistan?

Hard as it may be to believe when you see the images of the monsoon floods that are now devastating Pakistan, the country is actually on the verge of a critical shortage of fresh water. And water scarcity is not only a worry for Pakistan’s population — it is a threat to America’s national security as well.

As Pakistan's hapless millions prepare for another flood surge, the government is debating whether to send flood relief to Pakistan and what form it should take. Considering India is invariably one of the first to rush emergency aid and relief to countries in the neighbourhood, its hesitation in this instance is baffling to say the least.
