people-to-people exchanges

Glasnost & Goodwill: Citizen Diplomacy in the Northwest

The Washington State Historical Society explores the importance of people-to-people exchanges in reducing Cold War tensions. 

Latest innovation from tourism offers trips with a social mission to travelers who want more from a holiday than sea & shopping. This summer, vacationers can pair a visit to the colonial Colombian city of Cartagena with an program aimed at raising awareness about the modern slave trade. [...] "I have been asked whether the tour, given its theme, was 'depressing,' " Karen Weiss, who took a similar trip to Thailand, explained. "I assure you that it was not.

Bangkok professionals are not strangers to the difficulties created by cultural differences, and the need to navigate cross-cultural relationships effectively is becoming more important than ever. The city’s historic position as a hub for the high-growth ASEAN region, and the fact that many multinational companies, such as Exxon Mobil, Huawei, and Unilever, have set up regional offices in the city, has required professionals here to constantly build and maintain a culturally diverse range of business relationships. 

The State Department’s Office of American Spaces has released its 2016 Annual Report, citing an 11% increase in the number of visits.

Concerns are growing the diplomatic strains may spill over into sociocultural and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries despite their deepening economic interdependence. [...] But in the eyes of Park Euna, ambassador for public diplomacy at the Foreign Ministry, now is time for Seoul to step up efforts to reach out to citizens of not only China but other countries around the world, helping promote their understanding of and eventually reach its foreign policy goals.

In terms of people to people exchange programmes, Ethiopia is one of the largest from Africa in terms of getting Chinese government scholarships. More than 4,000 Ethiopians have been offered such scholarships in China over the past ten years, he noted.
